When asked what they want most for their children, most parents say, 'I just want them to be happy!'
This is a good goal as research shows that happy people are more successful, healthier, more productive, live longer, and have better home lives.
You may not think your children are listening to you, and maybe they aren't, but rest assured that they are watching you. So many of the ways I do things in my life are done the way my mother did them.
Your children are copying the way you live your life. Are they copying behaviors that you want them to adopt?
Modelling happiness is about adults learning how to live robustly happy lives, so their children copy these life transforming behaviors.
Invite Reen to speak at your next Parent/Teacher Association, or Parent Advisory Council Meeting.
Join her mission to boost the happiness and success of the world, one person, one school, one family at a time.
Parents often say they are at a loss as children don't come with an instruction manual. That may be true but help is at hand for both parents and teachers. "modelling Happiness" gives a fantastic blueprint for helping young people to become resilient, happy adults who take responsibility for themselves and their emotional wellbeing.
Gina Gardiner